White House inaction comforts the dictatorial regime in Iran
Once again, when an American ally faces an internal rebellion our White House leaps to the attack against its current government. But when an American enemy, that is also the enemy of every other free country in the world and seems to every eye to be set on the destruction of Israel, faces internal rebellion the White House refuses to take sides against it.
How many lives will it take to pay the toll in blood of this presidential inaction?
Amplify’d from no-pasaran.blogspot.com
The people flooding into the streets of Iran to seek regime change find no support from the U.S. government
editorializes The Washington Times in its editorial, Obama’s Double standard for Iran.
President Obama, who hectored Egypt‘s President Hosni Mubarak to transfer power “right now,” suddenly doesn’t want to get involved when it comes to the dictators running the Islamic republic.
The administration argues that taking a firm stand on regime change would hand Tehran a pretext for cracking down on pro-democracy protesters. It took the same approach during the 2009 protests, and the result was that Tehran’s thugs ruthlessly suppressed demonstrators and blamed the United States for instigating them. Iran‘s leaders will do the same again no matter what Mr. Obama says. The president has nothing to lose by standing up for freedom, especially because the Iranian regime really needs changing.
The Apologizer-in-Chief has nothing to lose, except for the left's fairy tale view that if only the world would come together, it would see that there are no enemies — except, of course, for America's clueless combative conservatives.Read more at no-pasaran.blogspot.com
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