Thursday, July 22, 2010

Stupid up top, intelligence in the comments

Tom Toles and Ezra Klein (of the racebaiting listserv JournOlist) slander the Constitution and the Tea Party as racists and fans of slavery in one idiotic swipe of their idiotic pen. Then are taken to task by roughly 95% of the responses in the comments.

This is one case of many in which the race baiting reflex of the pravda press is being resisted by educated readers who will no longer put up with idiocy just because it is printed in the pages of a once-respected brand of bird-cage liner.

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Wow, Ackerman's advice was to call a couple people racists to smear them and remove them from the debate. You and Toles are doing it with a whole movement, pretty impressive.

Posted by: dualdiagnosis | July 21, 2010 1:28 PM
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Frederick Douglas joined a group of North Eastern liberals from Massacusetts that opposed the Constitution because it included slavery.

The group asked him to speak on their behalf, so Frederick Douglas took his membership more seriously and decided to take some time and read the Constitution more seriously. After a full reading Frederick Douglas determined that the Constitution was indeed a document based on liberty. That the only objectionable clause(3/5ths Clause) that triggered much controversy was a definitivly a sanction on the representation of slave states by subtracting their representation numbers based on their inability to properly deliver freedom and liberty to the citizens in their states.

Posted by: FastEddieO007 | July 21, 2010 1:41 PM
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"The Constitution, in its language and in its spirit, welcomes the black man to all the rights which it was intended to guarantee to any class of the American people. Its preamble tells us for whom and for what it was made.”

- Frederick Douglass

Posted by: FastEddieO007 | July 21, 2010 1:53 PM
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Here is what Fredrick Douglass had to say to those who continue to dismiss the genius of The Founders because they did not outlaw slavery :

“Let me tell you something. Do you know that you have been deceived and cheated? You have been told that this government was intended from the beginning for white men, and for white men exclusively; that the men who formed the Union and framed the Constitution designed the permanent exclusion of the colored people from the benefits of those institutions. Davis, Taney and Yancey, traitors at the south, have propagated this statement, while their copperhead echoes at the north have repeated the same. There never was a bolder or more wicked perversion of the truth of history. So far from this purpose was the mind and heart of your fathers, that they desired and expected the abolition of slavery. They framed the Constitution plainly with a view to the speedy downfall of slavery. They carefully excluded from the Constitution any and every word which could lead to the belief that they meant it for persons of only one complexion.

"The Constitution, in its language and in its spirit, welcomes the black man to all the rights which it was intended to guarantee to any class of the American people. Its preamble tells us for whom and for what it was made.”

Posted by: FastEddieO007 | July 21, 2010 1:56 PM
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