Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Camera Can Look Both Ways

Are we in the age of Big Brother, where a huge and hugely powerful government watches and regulates all who unfortunately fall in its grasp? Or are we in the age of Little Brother, where the people with their digital media and Youtube accounts hold the ability to call government bureaucrats to heel and drive bad ones out of government employ entirely?

The Gay Patriot asks these questions and more.

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I’ve been thinking a lot about the prospects of the much feared age of “Big Brother” — where the Government knows all and uses that information to suppress.  And as dedicated readers know, my view of America and our past and future was radically altered after I read the book “The Fourth Turning.”

Clearly there are a lot of elements to Orwell’s vision that have arrived — too many to list, but originating with the Bush-era Department of Homeland Security.  But recently, I’ve thought about a new phenomenon that turns “1984″ upside down. 

I’ve also been pondering (under the influence of “The Fourth Turning”) whether or not the United States is in a “low grade civil war” (here and here) and whether it will become a “hot” one.  Yesterday’s Investor’s Business Daily has an editorial that combines all of these ideas and lays it on the line.



Friday, July 30, 2010

Just Say No to Lame Duck Legislating

Will endangered Democrats sign onto bill preventing them from passing legislation after voting day and before the new Congress is sworn in? Or will they signal that they are going to pass bad and unpopular legislation after being voted out of office as a last middle finger in the face of the American electorate?

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Jul 29 
Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) issued the following statement after offering a resolution on the floor of the House of Representatives calling on Congress not to hold a lame duck session after Election Day for the purpose of passing hugely unpopular legislation like a national energy tax, enormous deficit spending bills, and the kickback to Big Labor known as “Card Check.”

“Americans are sick and tired of their elected leaders making backroom deals to ram through unpopular, 2000-page bills that no one has read,” said Chairman Price.  “They are sick of out-of-touch politicians, and they are tired of being ignored.  A number of Democrats, including members of their leadership, have recently expressed a desire to ignore the public will and use a lame duck session to pass liberal legislation Americans do not want.  Today I gave my Democrat colleagues an opportunity to show they are finally ready to listen to the American people.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Judge Andrew Napolitano on Government from St. Thomas More to the Mustang Ranch

Judge Andrew Napolitano gave a terrific speech at RightOnline 2010. After a few funny anecdotes about his judicial career he began by quoting the movie version of St. Thomas More in his defense against charges of treason.

Some men think the earth is round, others think it flat. It is a matter capable of question. But if it is flat, will the King's command make it round? And if it is round, will the King's command flatten it?

Of course the King cannot decree the shape of the earth, any more than the President can declare things to be evil that are good, or things to be good that are evil. Sure, the President or Congress can pass unjust laws but this is a violation of the Constitution, and as Napolitano pointed out: The states created the Federal Government and gave it its power, and they can take that power back. Napolitano approaches the end of the speech with another telling anecdote, this time about the incompetence of government.

  • Medicare: broke.

  • Medicaid: broke.

  • Social Security: broke.

  • Amtrak: broke.

  • The Post Office: broke.

You'll know this one. It didn't happen too far from here. When the Mustang Ranch was taken over by the Federal Government for failure to pay its taxes, they drove it into the ground. So... the government can't supply hookers and booze to truckers in the desert and they want to run health care

The government proves it has the reverse Midas touch. Everything it touches falls apart and turns to dust. Only a government with employees similar to those Obama put in charge of GM and Chrysler, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, could lose money with a bar and legal house of prostitution in the middle of a desert.

Watch it all, peeps.

Judge Andrew Napolitano at RightOnline 2010 from AFPhq on Vimeo.


Newly Passed FinReg Bill Nullifies FOIA

When it comes to the SEC, at least, the Freedom of Information Act is no longer is the law. This was passed just in time to shield Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from the public indignation when they go broke again, which they will. For years they have been used as slush funds and interim patronage employers for Democrats who are temporarily out of government service. Now that the bill is about to come due the second time this lucky bill has been passed to shield them from oversight.

Amplify’d from

Under a little-noticed provision of the recently passed financial-reform legislation, the Securities and Exchange Commission no longer has to comply with virtually all requests for information releases from the public, including those filed under the Freedom of Information Act.

The law, signed last week by President Obama, exempts the SEC from disclosing records or information derived from "surveillance, risk assessments, or other regulatory and oversight activities." Given that the SEC is a regulatory body, the provision covers almost every action by the agency, lawyers say. Congress and federal agencies can request information, but the public cannot.

That argument comes despite the President saying that one of the cornerstones of the sweeping new legislation was more transparent financial markets. Indeed, in touting the new law, Obama specifically said it would “increase transparency in financial dealings."

The SEC cited the new law Tuesday in a FOIA action brought by FOX Business Network. Steven Mintz, founding partner of law firm Mintz & Gold LLC in New York, lamented what he described as “the backroom deal that was cut between Congress and the SEC to keep the  SEC’s failures secret. The only losers here are the American public.”

FOX Business Network sued the SEC in March 2009 over its failure to produce documents related to its failed investigations into alleged investment frauds being perpetrated by Madoff and R. Allen Stanford. Following the Madoff and Stanford arrests it, was revealed that the SEC conducted investigations into both men prior to their arrests but failed to uncover their alleged frauds.

FOX Business made its initial request to the SEC in February 2009 seeking any information related to the agency’s response to complaints, tips and inquiries or any potential violations of the securities law or wrongdoing by Stanford.

FOX Business has also filed lawsuits against the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve over their failure to respond to FOIA requests regarding use of the bailout funds and the Fed’s extended loan facilities. In February, the Federal Court in New York sided with FOX Business and ordered the Treasury to comply with its requests.

Last year, the network won a legal victory to force the release of documents related to New York University’s lawsuit against Madoff feeder Ezra Merkin.



Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It'll Tickle Your Innards

Classic old commercial with lyrics.


The Elitist Party of the Underdog

You would think that a political party that constantly calls for social justice, income leveling by means of extremely progressive income taxes, crippling regulations and taxes on business, and punishment of people who succeed would be in favor of keeping expenses down. Not so much when it comes to the Democrats.

First, John Kerry is having a rough time with the story about his $7 million yacht. Seems that instead of having it built in Massachusetts by American union shipbuilders he had it built in New Zealand. Good way to dodge those union gangsters, Johnny boy! Then he brought it to the US and docked it in Rhode Island instead of Massachusetts so he wouldn't have to pay $500 thousand in sales tax to Massachusetts. Further, if he keeps it in RI he won't have to pay the yearly luxury tax to Massachusetts for owning a yacht.

Second, Chelsea Clinton is going to get married this weekend in the most expensive and secretive wedding anyone can remember. It's going to cost about $3 to $5 million of the $100+ million worth of cheese Hillary and Bill have been socking away since they absconded from the White House with the china and cutlery and all the "W" keys from the computers. Who is Chelsea marrying? She is marrying Marc Mezvinsky, the son of Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky. Margolies-Mezvinsky was a former newscaster and one-term Democrat Representative, wealthy in her own right, whose vote for Clinton's massively unpopular 1993 budget doomed her re-election chances and led to the 1994 Republican takeover of the House. Lots of foreign dignitaries will be there with donations for mommy Hillary's warchest. Plus Oprah.

Third, Michelle Obama and daughter are jetting off to Spain to the Hotel Villa Padierno, a Ritz-Carlton hotel in Marbella. They will be meeting the King and Queen of Spain. They will drag some 30 friends along with them, and put them up in suites and rooms at the hotel. Plus US Government pays for security for everyone. You know, this must be why Michelle said that people shouldn't go to work for for-profit firms, but should work for non-profits and government instead. The perks and money are much better in government if you arrange things the Obama way! Rooms at this hotel run between $336 and $2850 per night.

So far I didn't mention the weirdest part of this. The President's loving wife is jet-setting off to Spain on August 4, the President's birthday! How is that for a slap in the face, Mister President? But you know what she is doing for her lovey dovey? Michelle asked everyone to send President Obama their birthday wishes. Yeah, it's too much trouble for his wife to stay home and wish him the best, so why doesn't the whole country, or at least all the plebes who don't have enough class to get invited to Marbella on the US Government's dime, take care of wishing him well? You know it isn't a good sign when your wife leaves on vacation without you on your birthday, right Pres? This combines one of those warning with an exclamation point moments with a ridiculously expensive jaunt to visit an old fashioned king and queen.

Obama Bows to Emperor Hirohito

On further thought... Maybe it's good Barry isn't going. He would be sure to bow low to King Carlos, after all.

Be sure to wish the poor President, who is sure to be going out bachelor style, the best for his birthday.

Because that's how the Party of the Underdog rolls...


All US Government Spending Originates in the House of Representatives

The common view of the economy as the fault of the president is short sighted. The truth is that all spending must originate in the House of Representatives. If the House decides to adopt the President's budget then the President has something to do with it. But if the House does not adopt the President's budget or priorities, then the President really has no part to play.

Nancy Pelosi became speaker of the House for the 2007 session. That's when spending and deficits went hog wild. And that's the truth.

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US Federal Budget Deficits and Surpluses
Too many reporters try to look at the issue in terms of who occupies the Oval Office, and this view of it overlooks the fact that all federal budget items must originate in the US House. The Rs took over the US House in January of 1995 and they held the majority until January of 2007. For four straight years starting in 1998 the US federal government had budget surplusses instead of budget deficit. In six of the other eight years of Republican majority House rule we have smaller budget deficits than any annual budget deficit from 1982 thru 1993 when the Ds were in the majority in the US House. Now when the Ds took over the majority in the US House some new budget deficit records were set. Three straight years of 2008 thru 2010 are higher federal budget deficits than this country has ever seen.Read more at


Skilled Immigrants go away, the USA wants unskilled lawbreakers instead

The US Federal Government bureaucracy is making it hard for H1B visa applicants to get approval, so the influx of skilled immigrants to the US is dropping like a ton of bricks. At the same time, the Feds are filing a lawsuit against Arizona to keep the unfettered flow of illegal and unskilled aliens immigrating immigrating into the country. This is definitely what the US needs, right? Fewer skilled people and more unskilled people so the US can be more like a 3rd world country. Poor too. Kind of like Kenya or France (/irony).

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News Analysis: The weak U.S. economy and more stringent scrutiny from an often hostile immigration bureaucracy has caused a sharp increase in the number of unused H-1B work visa slots.

The flagging U.S. economy is a major reason why nearly 40,000 H-1B visa application slots are currently unused, and an
additional 9,000 slots in the Masters Exemption program are still open.

This is a significant drop in applications from previous
years, according to immigration attorney Kellie Lego, managing attorney of the
MVP Law Group in Burtonsville, Md., near Washington, D.C. “It has to do a lot with
the economy and the issue of unemployment in the U.S.,” Lego said. She said
that a few major corporations are continuing to bring employees into the United States
on H-1B visas, but that the overall numbers have shown a huge decrease.



Better Bail Faster, Billy

Our kids are busy bailing out the sinking ship of state while the umbrella holding, three appletini lunch drinking busybody from the government has his man dump more and more debt into the ship. That's no way to stay afloat, sir! Stop pouring more water on board before we have to push you over the side.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Men Who Stare at Hooters

OK, so the question is what is the net gain/loss in life expectancy from eating every meal at Hooters?

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Frankfurt, Germany, December 6 -- A rather bizarre study carried out by German researchers suggests that staring at women's breasts is good for men's health and increases their life expectancy.

According to Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist and author of the study, gawking at women’s breasts is a healthy practice, almost at par with an intense exercise regime, that prolongs the lifespan of a man by five years.

She added, "Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female, is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out."

<strong>Frankfurt, Germany, December 6 --</strong> A rather bizarre study carried out by German researchers suggests that staring at women's breasts is good for men's health and increases their life expectancy.
See more at


Star Parker asks Why Racism, Why Now?

Here is the question. In this time of official 9% or higher unemployment, when Americans of all colors and creeds tell the pollsters that Unemployment is the country's biggest problem, why do accusations of racism against the TEA Partiers, Republicans, conservatives, and other scapegoats defined mostly by the color of their skin rise to the top of the news cycle? Is this what people really want to know about, or are the gatekeepers in charge of the news deciding, JournOList like, to distract America from its real issues in favor of a side-show where a bull is baited by a cruel showman?

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In January of this year, well into our recession, and well into the emergence of the tea-party movement, the Pew Research Center surveyed black attitudes.

In answer to the question, "When blacks don't make progress, who or what is to blame?" 52 percent of blacks responded that "blacks" themselves are "mostly responsible," and 34 percent said "racism." This is the reverse of how blacks responded to this question just 15 years ago, when 56 percent said that racism was the impediment to black progress.

In the same survey, blacks responded almost identically as whites to the question of whether success in life is "determined by forces beyond one's control" or whether "everyone has the power to succeed."

Seventy-seven percent of blacks and 82 percent of whites said that "everyone has the power to succeed," and 16 percent of blacks and 12 percent of whites said success is "determined by forces beyond one's control."

And when blacks were asked in this same survey about the main problems facing black families, the response was overwhelmingly exactly the same as the general result of the Gallup poll of last week: jobs.

Racism is about people being persecuted and endangered because of their color. It's about not being treated equally under the law or denied access to public facilities or work because of one's color.

Fortunately, those ugly days are behind us. And aside from the political and legal truths that verify this, black attitudes themselves, as the Pew data bear out, support it. And, if we need further verification, sitting in the White House is a black man who is there with the help of 43 percent of the votes of white Americans.



Star Parker asks Why Racism, Why Now?

Here is the question. In this time of official 9% or higher unemployment, when Americans of all colors and creeds tell the pollsters that Unemployment is the country's biggest problem, why do accusations of racism against the TEA Partiers, Republicans, conservatives, and other scapegoats defined mostly by the color of their skin rise to the top of the news cycle? Is this what people really want to know about, or are the gatekeepers in charge of the news deciding, JournOList like, to distract America from its real issues in favor of a side-show where a bull is baited by a cruel showman?

Amplify’d from

In January of this year, well into our recession, and well into the emergence of the tea-party movement, the Pew Research Center surveyed black attitudes.

In answer to the question, "When blacks don't make progress, who or what is to blame?" 52 percent of blacks responded that "blacks" themselves are "mostly responsible," and 34 percent said "racism." This is the reverse of how blacks responded to this question just 15 years ago, when 56 percent said that racism was the impediment to black progress.

In the same survey, blacks responded almost identically as whites to the question of whether success in life is "determined by forces beyond one's control" or whether "everyone has the power to succeed."

Seventy-seven percent of blacks and 82 percent of whites said that "everyone has the power to succeed," and 16 percent of blacks and 12 percent of whites said success is "determined by forces beyond one's control."

And when blacks were asked in this same survey about the main problems facing black families, the response was overwhelmingly exactly the same as the general result of the Gallup poll of last week: jobs.

Racism is about people being persecuted and endangered because of their color. It's about not being treated equally under the law or denied access to public facilities or work because of one's color.

Fortunately, those ugly days are behind us. And aside from the political and legal truths that verify this, black attitudes themselves, as the Pew data bear out, support it. And, if we need further verification, sitting in the White House is a black man who is there with the help of 43 percent of the votes of white Americans.



Runaway Slave Movie Teaser

Plantation or Projects, slave quarters or ghetto, what is the difference? And why should anyone who is enslaved in the government system of mullti-generational poverty and misery vote 95% to 5% for the political party of government to continue to keep them in the poverty and misery trap?


Sunday, July 25, 2010

JournoList Mug Shots

Do you want to see the faces of the known "JournoList" members who colluded and conspired to sweep inconvenient truths under the rug and accuse republican and conservative scapegoats of racism? Here they are. Please note that all JournoList members should be considered guilty until proven non-white, non-racist, and non-privileged. Democrat Party voting records are not sufficient.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Death by Taxes

Wayne Allen Root explains how and why businesses will continue to fail and the numbers of unemployed will continue to rise.


I come not to praise JournoList, but to bury it

These are the 65 known so-called journalists who have sold their honor to their political allies for a favored seat at the table. Shame them. Shun them. When you see them on the street, turn away. Do not invite them to eat at your table, to visit you on vacation, to come inside your home at all, either in person, in the publications that publish them, or in the person of the corporations that advertise in those publications and on radio and television stations that feature them. Let the advertisers know why you have made that decision, because they support journalists who have dishonored and disgraced their profession by disavowing their obligation to follow the truth wherever it goes and have become stealth spin-merchants for their political masters.

Reportedly, there were about 400 members of JournoList. When the other 335 names are made public they should be treated the same way.

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The following 65 names are confirmed members of the now-defunct JournoList listserv.
1. Ezra Klein
2. Dave Weigel
3. Matthew Yglesias
4. David Dayen
5. Spencer Ackerman
6. Jeffrey Toobin
7. Eric Alterman
8. Paul Krugman
9. John Judis
10. Eve Fairbanks
11. Mike Allen
12. Ben Smith
13. Lisa Lerer
14. Joe Klein
15. Brad DeLong
16. Chris Hayes
17. Matt Duss
18. Jonathan Chait
19. Jesse Singal
20. Michael Cohen
21. Isaac Chotiner
22. Katha Pollitt
23. Alyssa Rosenberg
24. Rick Perlstein
25. Alex Rossmiller
26. Ed Kilgore
27. Walter Shapiro
28. Noam Scheiber
29. Michael Tomasky
30. Rich Yesels
31. Tim Fernholz
32. Dana Goldstein
33. Jonathan Cohn
34. Scott Winship
35. David Roberts
36. Luke Mitchell
37. John Blevins
38. Moira Whelan
39. Henry Farrell
40. Josh Bearman
41. Alec McGillis
42. Greg Anrig
43. Adele Stan
44. Steven Teles
45. Harold Pollack
46. Adam Serwer
47. Ryan Donmoyer
48. Seth Michaels
49. Kate Steadman
50. Matt Duss
51. Laura Rozen
52. Jesse Taylor
53. Michael Hirsh
54. Daniel Davies
55. Jonathan Zasloff
56. Richard Kim
57. Thomas Schaller
58. Jared Bernstein
59. Holly Yeager
60. Joe Conason
61. David Greenberg
62. Todd Gitlin
63. Mark Schmitt
64. Kevin Drum
65. Sarah Spitz


American journalism is dead

Andrew Breitbart issued the death certificate and explained the causes.

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American journalism died today. What The Daily Caller has unearthed proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that most media organizations are either complicit by participation in the treachery that is Journolist, or are guilty of sitting back and watching Alinsky warfare being waged against all that challenged the progressive orthodoxy. The scandal predictably involves journalists posing as professors posing as experts. But dressed down they are nothing but street thugs. They deserve the deepest levels of public consternation. Will they get it?

The only way that the media will recover from the horrifying discoveries found in the Journolist is to investigate and investigate until every guilty reporter, professor and institution is laid bare begging America for forgiveness. Will they do it?

If the powers that be don’t comply with this demand, we can always call Jonathan Alter and Eric Alterman racists.*



Ezra Klein &amp; 400 Other "Journalists" Conspire to Cover Up the News: But, but Breitbart

There were two big stories about journalism this week. One began as a story about the NAACP condoning racism and was twisted into a story about accusations of racism against Andrew Breitbart. The second, the "JournOlist story," which you may not have seen mentioned in the news, was about a backroom conspiracy by Ezra Klein and 400 other movers and shakers in that same media to hide politically inconvenient news from the American people, replacing it with accusations of racism against Republicans, TEA Partiers, conservatives, and other scapegoats. The second story explains the course of the first story, both the deranged nature of the accusations against Breitbart and the predictable descent to accusations of racism.

Of the two stories, one is the dog and the other is the tail. The dog of a story identifies the problem with the media in the US and other countries. Namely, the media's problem is that it is always in favor of the government and government expansion and against individual freedom and private, for profit companies. The media has become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the expansion of government bureaucracy. The tail story is another nasty set of accusations of racism against a scapegoat. The tail story's job is to wave around and distract the people from the real story, which is that the dog is dead. The media has killed itself by refusing to follow the facts where they lead and substituting its preferred, pro-government-bureaucracy narrative for reality.

Implications: The big story this week was ignored by the major media. Since the story is about a backroom agreement between major figures in that media to cover up anything and everything that is inconvenient to their narrative, this isn't a surprise. However, it does seem to be the kind of thing that regular people might want to know when they make decision whether to renew that subscription to Time, Newsweek, the Atlantic, New York Times, Washington Post, or any other formerly respectable brand of bird-cage liner and fish wrapper. And it also might inform their decision on whether to get their broadcast news from former democrat campaign hacks like George Stephanopolous, Paul Begala, and Chrissy "Tingles" Matthews, or from journalists who are not part of a conspiracy to conceal the truth.

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A huge media news story broke on the Daily Caller the same day the Sherrod video was posted. It involved Journolist, a cartel of 400 progressive journalists conspiring to distort and limit the news. Since Tuesday we learned these "journalists" conspired to use the "race card" as a way to kill the Jeremiah Wright story and, from the very first day her nomination was announced,

they conspired to unfairly discredit Sarah Palin.

Where is all the anger about this story? Where is the coverage of this story? Where is the frothing Keith Olbermann ranting his disgust for MSNBC, and the rest of progressive media for the way Sarah Palin and her family were abused? Why is there no shame for the way the "fourth estate" violated the public trust? Andrew Breitbart has become a very convenient way of distracting the public away from the real violation of journalistic ethics.



Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Democrat's Racist Crutch

Democrats think they don't have to be right on the issues, or even intelligent about anything, if they can accuse Republicans or Tea Partiers or anyone else they don't particularly like of being racists. This fall, in order to limit their losses at the ballot box, Democrats will just keep on calling everyone who doesn't toe the Democrat Party line a racist.

Official members of the Democrat party do it. Semi-official members of the party, like professors in universities, JournOlists, lawyers, environmentalists, and euro-weenies do it. And so do rank and file members of the Democrat party. My own brother does it to me.

But the problem is that this tactic has become so old, so boring, and so transparently false that it just makes the accusers look even crazier and more out of touch with reality every time they try it again. So keep on trying, Democrats. Every time you accuse someone of being a racist, another Democrat brain cell dies. Keep it up and there won't be anything left.

Prominent black activist Mary Frances Berry admitted today that accusing the tea party activists of being racists is an effective tool for the democrats and far left organizations.

Mary Frances Berry admitted this at the Politico:

Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one’s opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness.



Victims of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Job Killing Agenda: Stand Up and be Counted

To all those who lost their jobs because of the job-killing agenda of the Democrats in power, the Democrats who like Rahm Emmanuel believe you should never let a crisis go to waste and never let the chance to create or intensify a crisis go to waste either, to all these Americans I say "stand up." Have you been put out of work? Make yourself seen and heard and known and enumerated. The unemployment numbers may be phonied up to hide your lost jobs, but the truth will eventually triumph.

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Thousands stood up today in Louisiana. How about you?:

The crowd, many wearing T-shirts with slogans like “Drill Baby Drill,” and “No Moratorium,” began streaming into the Lafayette Cajundome as soon as the doors opened, eager to show their support for ending the federal offshore drilling moratorium.

Tuesday’s gathering, billed as the “Rally for Economic Survival,” was set in the heart of Louisiana’s oil patch.

Thousands stood in silence as the names of the victims of the Deepwater Horizon explosion appeared on the stadium’s big screens. But they were rarely silent after that – cheering every statement against the moratorium.

Next: Utah and Wyoming victims of Ken Salazar/White House job strangulation, stand up.

Victims of Dealergate, stand up.

Be counted.



Hey Ben Jealous: Context Matters

Ben Jealous must be terminally confused.

After Ben Jealous admitted that Ms. Sherrod's full story, when taken in context, supported the narrative that she learned to be less racist from her experiences, he still supported her ouster from the USDA. Then he blamed Fox News and Breitbart for getting Sherrod fired, when neither of them actually fired her.

Who did fire Sherrod again? Vilsack at the FDA and someone unnamed at the White House, providing plausible deniability to the occupant of the Oval Office. Oh, plus Jealous supported it in his role as spokesman of the NAACP. It seems that when the chance came to throw Sherrod under the bus under the pretext of racism, he was happy to do it. Even though he knew that the context of her anecdote showed that she had learned that racism was no good, he was happy to throw her under the bus.

If he really thinks that racism is the unalloyed bad that he claims, why does he repudiate someone when their true story is about escaping racist/racialist ways of thinking? Could it be that he isn't really against racism at all? Or is he just so confused that he doesn't know what he believes?

Now I'm confused. Maybe you can explain it to me.

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The NAACP’s after-the-fact back pedaling can’t hide the fact that they knew there was a contextual problem and they still condemned her (and the audience) anyway, making her the roadkill on their path to demonize average Americans.

Here is Jealous’ statement on Monday, proving he knew there was more to the story and still proceeded with the condemnation her anyway:

Her actions were shameful. While she went on to explain in the story that she ultimately realized her mistake, as well as the common predicament of working people of all races, she gave no indication she had attempted to right the wrong she had done to this man.

The reaction from many in the audience is disturbing. We will be looking into the behavior of NAACP representatives at this local event and take any appropriate action.

Context is everything, Mr. Jealous.  You knew the context of Ms. Sherrod’s comments on the tape and you still condemned her anyway when the White House forced her resignation.



How did Obama Drive up Unemployment? Let me count the ways: 1

It starts with 1. The Obama rules for administering the auto bailout, including stripping Republican auto lots of their rights to sell GM and Chrysler, drove unemployment up directly.

Amplify’d from
Washington ( – The Obama administration’s policies in steering the auto bailout drove unemployment up, according to an audit by the Office of Special Inspector General for the Troubled Assets Relief Program (SIGTARP).


“At a time when the country was experiencing the worst economic downturn in generations and the government was asking its taxpayers to support a $787 billion stimulus package designed primarily to preserve jobs, Treasury made a series of decisions that may have substantially contributed to the accelerated shuttering of thousands of small businesses and thereby potentially adding tens of thousands of workers to the already lengthy unemployment rolls – all based on a theory and without sufficient consideration of the decisions’ broader economic impact,” the audit by SIGTARP Neil Barofsky stated.Read more at


Walk for Work in IL-9 and Fight the Democrats' Private Job Killing Agenda

Jan Schakowsky has been busy voting for bills that drive people out of work in IL-9 and other districts all over the country. Joel Pollak, who is running against her this year, is calling her out for her job destroying votes with a walk through the district. He is also setting up a jobs center where employers in IL-9 who do have jobs can post them and people who need jobs can get them.

Pretty cool!

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The only way to create jobs in our district is to vote out Jan Schakowsky.

That is why the Pollak for Congress Campaign (IL-9) is hosting  “Joel for Jobs: A Walk for Work” on Sunday July 25, 2010.  Joel Pollak and supporters will be walking down Dempster Street from the beach in Evanston to the campaign office in Niles, about 8 miles. This walk will help raise awareness about the unemployment and the economic situation in the 9th district–and Joel’s solutions.



Stupid up top, intelligence in the comments

Tom Toles and Ezra Klein (of the racebaiting listserv JournOlist) slander the Constitution and the Tea Party as racists and fans of slavery in one idiotic swipe of their idiotic pen. Then are taken to task by roughly 95% of the responses in the comments.

This is one case of many in which the race baiting reflex of the pravda press is being resisted by educated readers who will no longer put up with idiocy just because it is printed in the pages of a once-respected brand of bird-cage liner.

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Wow, Ackerman's advice was to call a couple people racists to smear them and remove them from the debate. You and Toles are doing it with a whole movement, pretty impressive.

Posted by: dualdiagnosis | July 21, 2010 1:28 PM
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Frederick Douglas joined a group of North Eastern liberals from Massacusetts that opposed the Constitution because it included slavery.

The group asked him to speak on their behalf, so Frederick Douglas took his membership more seriously and decided to take some time and read the Constitution more seriously. After a full reading Frederick Douglas determined that the Constitution was indeed a document based on liberty. That the only objectionable clause(3/5ths Clause) that triggered much controversy was a definitivly a sanction on the representation of slave states by subtracting their representation numbers based on their inability to properly deliver freedom and liberty to the citizens in their states.

Posted by: FastEddieO007 | July 21, 2010 1:41 PM
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"The Constitution, in its language and in its spirit, welcomes the black man to all the rights which it was intended to guarantee to any class of the American people. Its preamble tells us for whom and for what it was made.”

- Frederick Douglass

Posted by: FastEddieO007 | July 21, 2010 1:53 PM
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Here is what Fredrick Douglass had to say to those who continue to dismiss the genius of The Founders because they did not outlaw slavery :

“Let me tell you something. Do you know that you have been deceived and cheated? You have been told that this government was intended from the beginning for white men, and for white men exclusively; that the men who formed the Union and framed the Constitution designed the permanent exclusion of the colored people from the benefits of those institutions. Davis, Taney and Yancey, traitors at the south, have propagated this statement, while their copperhead echoes at the north have repeated the same. There never was a bolder or more wicked perversion of the truth of history. So far from this purpose was the mind and heart of your fathers, that they desired and expected the abolition of slavery. They framed the Constitution plainly with a view to the speedy downfall of slavery. They carefully excluded from the Constitution any and every word which could lead to the belief that they meant it for persons of only one complexion.

"The Constitution, in its language and in its spirit, welcomes the black man to all the rights which it was intended to guarantee to any class of the American people. Its preamble tells us for whom and for what it was made.”

Posted by: FastEddieO007 | July 21, 2010 1:56 PM
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Monday, July 19, 2010

Republicans Must Not Let Democrats Choose Which Republican Candidates to Run

This was the problem with the 2008 Presidential election, where the Democrat among the Republican candidates won the nomination. Yes, Johnny McMaverick was a Democrat. He even admitted that the press (which runs 95% registered Democrat) was his base, threw away his campaign when he decided to quit campaigning and rush to Washington to pass the ill-considered and disastrous TARP, and endorsed Obama in the final debate. McMaverick's problem, when it came to getting press support, was that he was an old fashioned American Democrat running against an International Socialist Democrat, when the press really wanted the socialist to win (so their bankrupt employers could be nationalized and turned into state owned Pravda and Izvestia clones).

The Other McCain has a more measured approach on the issue than I can muster at this time. However, I would add one thing. If the Republican Party does not institute closed primaries the McMaverick disaster will happen again.

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The GIGO principle (Garbage In, Garbage Out) is as applicable to political discourse as to any other information system. If you let liberals like Chait tell you which Republican candidates you should support, you will never support any Republican candidate — except in a GOP primary, when liberals will invariably tell you to support the most liberal candidate on the ballot. As soon as the primary is over, however, your liberal friends will then return to their usual arguments of why you should vote Democrat. Sic semper hoc.

Chait and his friends are trying to do what liberals in the media always do, shape Conventional Wisdom to their own advantage.

“Sharron Angle Can’t Win” is the Meme-O’-Th’-Day, and liberals are going to pound it as hard and as long as they can. Why? Because they know that a lot of Republicans base their political decisions on Conventional Wisdom so that, by promoting this Angle-Is-Doomed message, liberals will erode support for Harry Reid’s opponent — especially from the Dumb and Rich Coalition who comprise the GOP’s big-money donors.

Sharron Angle can win, and should win, and will win, so long as the conservative grassroots don’t allow themselves to be bamboozled into believing the liberal Conventional Wisdom. 



Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hezbollah-Style Car Bomb kills four in Juarez

We have been hearing for a couple years that terrorists are using the unprotected border between Mexico and the US to infiltrate the US. We have also been hearing that Iranians are learning to speak Spanish in Venezuelan training camps, thanks to Hugo Chavez, that Venezuela is building a factory with Chinese help to manufacture AK-47s of the same type as the ones that are flooding the Mexican markets, and that Hezbollah operatives are providing muscle for some of the drug distribution operations in South America.

Can it be a surprise that a Hezbollah style car bomb exploded on the US border, killing four? It can only surprise those who have been covering their eyes and ears and shouting la la la, hoping against hope that the bad men will go away once George Bush is out of office. Well, guess what? The bad men weren't angry at George Bush. They hate America and everyone who lives in it and there is no solution short of killing them that will solve that problem.

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Juarez-- People in Juarez are recovering from a car bomb that killed four Thursday night. The victims include two federal agents, an ambulance worker and a doctor who was in the area when the bomb went off.

Tonight, we have learned that it was a car bomb that was detonated with the same kind of sophistication that is used by terrorist groups like Hezbollah.

A number of people were injured during the attack. Today we know that seven federal police agents were severely injured. A news photographer from channel 5 in Juarez remains in critical condition. One woman who owns a business nearby talked to us about her fears.

"As it is, we are not selling much. Can you imagine right now people are scared. We used to have many American customers. Right now that has drastically decreased," says the business owner.



Morgan Freeman says talk about racism makes more racism

Maybe he's right. Check out the comment that I extracted from the Youtube discussion. Which is better, to believe that black and white people are capable of getting jobs and doing for themselves, or to believe that some people are incapable of doing for themselves simply because of the color of their skin?

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Most of those racist right wingers believe that a black man can go get a job and support himself. That he is a man just like anyother.
Compare that to the veiw that black people are disadvantaged like they are somehow retarded?!
The black community has been told for over 40 years that its OK to fail your black its not your fault? Is that what you say to an equal? Is that what you say to your child?
See more at


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ronaldinho, Griggs, Henry to join MLS Teams?

In the wake of the World Cup it appears that more than a couple of long in the tooth soccer players, who are still great but lack the pace of their youth, will be joining American teams in the MLS league. This will be good for American soccer. As America is a large country with a lot of very athletic kids who have no chance of being 6'4" 220 lb behemoths able to compete in the professional basketball and football leagues, having great players they can see at their nearest pro team's venue is huge!

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The news of more big names in the world of soccer making a move to the MLS continues to roll in. After Thierry Henry was introduced for the New York Red Bulls yesterday and Ryan Giggs expressed possible interest in a move following his days in England, fresh speculation claims former World Player of the Year and Brazilian soccer icon Ronaldinho will be joining up with the LA Galaxy.

According to Real Salt Lake owner Dave Checketts a deal to bring Ronaldinho to the Galaxy is imminent and the details of the switch will be revealed in the coming days. While not expressly saying that the player he was referring to was indeed Ronaldinho, he did say "you'll recognize who he is" and "I think he might be" Brazilian.



The Capital Hillbillies

At least Jed Clampett had the brains to drill for that Black Gold and Texas Tea, sell it, and help the economy roll on down the highway. We have a different type of bushwhacker in Washington DC these days, and their jobs plan is to put everybody out of a job and into unemployment. That might be a drilling, but how do you like being the one with the brand new hole in your wallet and no money left in it?


Jerry Brown, how are your hippie secret police plans coming along?

Let's revisit Jello Biafra and the Dead Kennedys singing all about hippy dippy fascist Jerry Brown, Governor Moonbeam, the last time he was the chief executive of California.

“Lets go back to 1979 when a group from San Fransisco, California released a song which focused on Jerry Brown, the Governor of California between 1975 and 1983, and is sung from his perspective. An imaginary Brown outlines a hippie-fascist vision for America, in which his “suede denim secret police” kill un-cool people with “organic poison gas” chambers. With the song California Über Alles, here’s the Dead Kennedys.”



Mel Gibson tapes out of context because of tampering

The tapes were tampered with to make Mel sound worse. Who knows what his ex-gf actually said to him when he responded the way he did? Only he and she knows. For reasons not yet known, whether they be custody or extortion or just plain malice, she or someone has been releasing doctored tapes to make her sound reasonable and him sound deranged.

That Mel cooperated in the deranged behavior doesn't help his case. But it needs context before we can all judge what actually happened.

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Two top forensic experts listened to Mel’s intensely racist and abusive rants to Oksana Girgorieva and revealed that the audio files have been edited and were professionally made!

The authenticity of Mel Gibson’s leaked rants have been the topic of discussion but can now EXCLUSIVELY confirm that these audio files are not 100% authentic. We spoke to Arlo West, CEO of Creative Forensic Services, best known for his work on the Natalee Holloway case, who reveals the audio rants between Mel and his ex-girlfriend Oksana Girgorieva have been tampered with.

“These copies were professionally made for distribution,” says forensic audio and video expert, Arlo. “Their quality is extraordinary … I would be willing to bet that someone with a background in recording these types of messages helped Oksana do so to entrap Gibson. I would also expect that a person or persons also helped her edit the recordings.”



Steinbrenner dies, George Costanza suspected

An instant classic from the Weekly World News.

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George Steinbrenner, a towering figure in the sports world, died Tuesday morning in Tampa.  George Costanza was arrested soon after in a nearby coffee shop.Read more at


Afghan Women choose self immolation over oppression. Media doesn't understand why.

For anything bad that happens around a woman that woman is blamed and punished with the most draconian punishments possible. That appears to be the problem in Afghanistan, and has been a problem for many years. Phyllis Chesler tells the story at Newsreal.

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In 1961, I remember meeting a rather genial relative who had come down from the Khyber Pass region to meet me, his first American woman. Apparently, he, too, was a merciful fellow who married his brother’s widow—but then shut her up in solitary. I was told that he fed and clothed her and that this alone saved her from a far more dismal fate. I did not understand then—or now—why this poor widow-wife could not have shared the family tasks and remained among the living. Entombed, buried alive—like Verdi’s great opera hero, Aida. Without a name, without even a number, the fate of this unknown prisoner haunts me still.

These tragedies are no longer confined to Third World countries.

In Afghanistan, the women are setting themselves aflame, choosing an awful, fiery death rather than one more awful beating at the hands of a husband and a mother-in-law. Amazingly, when the mainstream media finally writes about this precise tragedy in Afghanistan, it still carefully manages not to use the words “Muslim” or “Islam.” For example, see Time magazine’s recent coverage of this very subject. And, see my previous pieces on what such “soft censorship” is really about when the American mainstream media consistently fails to describe a Muslim-on-Muslim honor killing in the West as a Muslim-on-Muslim crime but is quick to note Hindu honor killings in India as Hindu-on-Hindu crimes.

In Kabul, when battered women run away, their own families refuse to take them back and the government puts them in jail and treats them as criminals. In a rather moving documentary, “Daughters of Afghanistan,” Sally Armstrong shows us what happened to one young Afghan woman who refused to take the beatings anymore and upon a lawyer’s advice dared return to her family of origin. Her own father clapped her up into solitary, perhaps for the rest of her life, to live in a cold, dark room with one bricked-up window.



Afghan Women choose self immolation over oppression. Media doesn't understand why.

For anything bad that happens around a woman that woman is blamed and punished with the most draconian punishments possible. That appears to be the problem in Afghanistan, and has been a problem for many years. Phyllis Chesler tells the story at Newsreal.

Amplify’d from

In 1961, I remember meeting a rather genial relative who had come down from the Khyber Pass region to meet me, his first American woman. Apparently, he, too, was a merciful fellow who married his brother’s widow—but then shut her up in solitary. I was told that he fed and clothed her and that this alone saved her from a far more dismal fate. I did not understand then—or now—why this poor widow-wife could not have shared the family tasks and remained among the living. Entombed, buried alive—like Verdi’s great opera hero, Aida. Without a name, without even a number, the fate of this unknown prisoner haunts me still.

These tragedies are no longer confined to Third World countries.

In Afghanistan, the women are setting themselves aflame, choosing an awful, fiery death rather than one more awful beating at the hands of a husband and a mother-in-law. Amazingly, when the mainstream media finally writes about this precise tragedy in Afghanistan, it still carefully manages not to use the words “Muslim” or “Islam.” For example, see Time magazine’s recent coverage of this very subject. And, see my previous pieces on what such “soft censorship” is really about when the American mainstream media consistently fails to describe a Muslim-on-Muslim honor killing in the West as a Muslim-on-Muslim crime but is quick to note Hindu honor killings in India as Hindu-on-Hindu crimes.

In Kabul, when battered women run away, their own families refuse to take them back and the government puts them in jail and treats them as criminals. In a rather moving documentary, “Daughters of Afghanistan,” Sally Armstrong shows us what happened to one young Afghan woman who refused to take the beatings anymore and upon a lawyer’s advice dared return to her family of origin. Her own father clapped her up into solitary, perhaps for the rest of her life, to live in a cold, dark room with one bricked-up window.



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