I reject Left v. Right: I am a Conservative Liberal
I am a Conservative Liberal.
That's a strange thing to say. What does this mean? Does this mean I'm in the middle, a squishy centrist? I was once a registered Democrat. Then a registered Independent. Now I'm a registered Republican. Does that make me right-wing? No.
Am I left or right or center? No. None of these describe me accurately.
Left and Right are both freedom hating European (French mostly) political divisions, based on the seating arrangements in the French revolutionary parliament. The left are Jacobin, socialist, communist, or fascist. The right are royalist. Both are collectivist, statist ideologies that believe all property belongs to the ruler and all laws are but the ruler’s whim enacted for the benefit of the ruler. Everyone else is a serf, a slave condemned to live in misery and poverty on the land as the ruler commands. The center don't believe in socialism or royal rule, but they still think the government owns everything and makes it available to the people.
They are all wrong! Left is wrong. Right is wrong. And center is wrong.
I am a conservative when it comes to the American foundational principles and values. And I am a real liberal, if you define a liberal as someone who values freedom and ordered liberty. I believe in individual freedom and liberty: that’s what a liberal is. I believe in free people and free markets. I believe in God. I believe in human life. I believe that the founders were inspired by God when they wrote the Declaration, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the other founding documents. And I believe that all federal officials, who take oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, must protect the plain meaning of the words of the Constitution, because any other interpretation is only making it up as you go. I believe that federal officials who behave differently have betrayed the US, some criminally.
So now that you know what I mean by it, are you a conservative liberal like me?

That's a strange thing to say. What does this mean? Does this mean I'm in the middle, a squishy centrist? I was once a registered Democrat. Then a registered Independent. Now I'm a registered Republican. Does that make me right-wing? No.
Am I left or right or center? No. None of these describe me accurately.
Left and Right are both freedom hating European (French mostly) political divisions, based on the seating arrangements in the French revolutionary parliament. The left are Jacobin, socialist, communist, or fascist. The right are royalist. Both are collectivist, statist ideologies that believe all property belongs to the ruler and all laws are but the ruler’s whim enacted for the benefit of the ruler. Everyone else is a serf, a slave condemned to live in misery and poverty on the land as the ruler commands. The center don't believe in socialism or royal rule, but they still think the government owns everything and makes it available to the people.
They are all wrong! Left is wrong. Right is wrong. And center is wrong.
I am a conservative when it comes to the American foundational principles and values. And I am a real liberal, if you define a liberal as someone who values freedom and ordered liberty. I believe in individual freedom and liberty: that’s what a liberal is. I believe in free people and free markets. I believe in God. I believe in human life. I believe that the founders were inspired by God when they wrote the Declaration, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the other founding documents. And I believe that all federal officials, who take oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, must protect the plain meaning of the words of the Constitution, because any other interpretation is only making it up as you go. I believe that federal officials who behave differently have betrayed the US, some criminally.
So now that you know what I mean by it, are you a conservative liberal like me?
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