Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Was Neil Abercrombie at Obama's birth or not?

The septuagenarian progressive governor of Hawaii claims to have been a buddy of Barack Obama's parents when the president was born and wants to set the record straight on Obama's birth location. Problem is Abercrombie's statements are inconsistent.

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HONOLULU – Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie wants to find a way to release more information about President Barack Obama's Hawaii birth and dispel conspiracy theories that he was born elsewhere.

Abercrombie was a friend of Obama's parents and knew him as a child, and is deeply troubled by the effort to cast doubt on the president's citizenship.

"What bothers me is that some people who should know better are trying to use this for political reasons," Abercrombie told the Los Angeles Times last week. "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born.'"

Abercrombie was unavailable for additional comment Tuesday because he was vacationing on Maui, Dela Cruz said.

Abercrombie, 72, has said he remembers seeing Obama as a child with his parents at social events, although he acknowledged that he didn't see his parents with their newborn son at the hospital.



Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hey Congress, you're not doing it right!

13% is extremely low for an approval rating.

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Congress Approval Hits Low of 13 Percent



Who will rid me of this meddlesome ethanol mandate?

That's what Henry II might have said about the ethanol mandate. Even Algore thinks it's a crock! But it's the perfect example of a law with terrible effects that will not go away no matter how many people starve because of it.

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When Al Gore drops an environmental fad, it has truly reached its expiration date.

In his wisdom, the Goracle recently acknowledged what almost all disinterested observers concluded long ago: Ethanol is a fraud. It has no environmental benefits, and harmful side effects. The subsidies that support its use are an object lesson in the incorrigibility of Washington's gross special-interest politics. It is the monster that ate America's corn crop.



Recession isn't over: Kids are asking Santa for necessities, not toys

American kids know what's going on in their families even if the government doesn't. That's why so many letters to Santa this year include pleas like "a job for daddy" or "a new winter coat for mommy." Here we thought stories like this disappeared after the Great Depression, but it looks like the people in charge have brought those days back again.

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Santa Claus and his elves are seeing more heartbreaking letters this year as children cite their parents' economic troubles in their wish lists.

U.S. Postal Service workers who handle letters addressed to Santa at the North Pole say more letters ask for basics — coats, socks and shoes — rather than Barbie dolls, video games and computers.

At New York City's main post office, Head Elf Pete Fontana and 22 staff elves will sort 2 million letters in Operation Santa, which connects needy children with "Secret Santas" who answer their wishes.

Fontana, a customer relations coordinator for the Postal Service, has been head elf for 15 years.

"The need is greater this year than I've ever seen it," he says. "One little girl didn't want anything for herself. She wanted a winter coat for her mother."



Sunday, December 12, 2010

The joke that became true - President Clinton redux

It was so disconcerting to see Bill Clinton take over the presidential podium from Barack Obama the other day. And then Obama stood around looking like Clinton's assistant until he decided he had to run off because otherwise his wife would be mad. Is Obama the President or just a hen-pecked husband?

Compare to this satirical piece from winter 2008.

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Obama Names Bill Clinton to Presidential Post

WASHINGTON DC - Ending weeks of speculation and rumors, President-Elect Barack Obama today named Bill Clinton to join his incoming administration as President of the United States, where he will head the federal government's executive branch.

"I am pleased that Bill Clinton has agreed to come out of retirement to head up this crucial post in my administration," said Obama. "He brings a lifetime of previous executive experience as Governor of Arkansas and President of the United States, and has worked closely with most of the members of my Cabinet."



Saturday, December 11, 2010

SIU searches for non-Christian yet religious music to "celebrate" Christmas

Click through to watch the video for a full understanding of the idiocy at work here. Southern Illinois University has taken both christian and irreligious Christmas music off the clock-tower. Even Jingle Bells was turned off. Instead, SIU is playing very annoying non-melodic chimes until they can find some Kwanzaa, Festivus and Hanukkah music to add into the rotation.

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For nearly 15 years, the Pulliam Hall clock tower on the campus of Southern Illinois University has played Christmas carols. But this year, after a few complaints, the bells have been briefly silenced while the school tries to expand its melodic tradition to include a more diverse selection of music.

The local CBS affiliate reports that SIU administrators agreed Friday to start playing “secular holiday songs” until a more “multi-cultural mix” can be put together that includes songs from other faiths.



World's smartest economists at Cancun summit sign petitions to ban H20, punish US populace

In a prank that demonstrated that attendees at the Cancun climate summit, the cream of the crop of the world-wide environmental science movement, are both vicious and dumb as a box of rocks, they eagerly signed petitions to ban di-hydrogen monoxide (water) and hack away 6% of the US economy with punitive tariffs.

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In a Penn & Teller-style prank, CFACT asked attendees of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Cancun, Mexico, to sign two different petitions. The first asked participants to support the purposeful destabilization of the United States economy:

And to prove that some people will sign anything that has the right buzz words — think “global effort,“ ”international community,“ and ”planetary” — COP 16 participants were asked to sign in support of a ban on a dangerous chemical compound: water.

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