Monday, August 30, 2010

Voting With Your Wallet: Are You Voting to Bankrupt America?

How long will it take unions to bankrupt the US government? It won't take long with the healthcare highjack, union pension fund bailouts on the horizon, and the demise of social security and medicare speeding at us ever faster. Are you helping to fund the destruction of the US by purchasing union-made merchandise? Maybe you should rethink that.

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The question in the title of this post is more rhetorical because, in answer to the question, we are all (to varying degrees) helping to fund the demise of America and, for most of us, we are doing it every day.  In so many ways, we do it every time a decision is made to purchase something—anything—be it groceries, appliances, and even bigger ticket items like vehicles.


For example, the new Chevy Camaro is a hot looking car.  By all accounts, in addition to its looks, the Camaro fast and affordable.  But, despite all of its cool accouterments, I won’t buy one.

Moreover, despite owning two trucks that are American made (read: union-made), a significant principle was breached over these past two years that, for the foreseeable future, will not be undone. You see, it was bad enough when the UAW banned the marines from using the union parking lot (before the union quickly retracted it) a few years ago, but when the UAW’s new boss, Bob King, recently reiterated the UAW’s ban on nonunion-made vehicles in the union’s parking lot (even if made by Americans in American plants), that cinched it.

Much like those who refuse to buy British Petroleum because of the gulf oil spill, a personal decision was made to, whenever possible, not spend money on companies whose employees’ union dues are being used to help bankrupt America, whose union bosses shamelessly and egregiously are currying special favors from political puppets, transforming the nation to to a quasi-socialist state, all the while demonizing people who believe in freedom.  It’s that simple.



The Real Meaning of Social Justice

Losing an argument? Before resorting to the truth accuse the guy who is beating you of being a racist and an idiot. Good idea!

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This  is three minutes of pure fun as Ben rips this guy apart and demonstrates the sheer lack of principles of the Progressive movement.  At the end, the poor fool stammers and shouts “Well, you’re a RACIST and an IDIOT.”  Yup, when their intellectual argument breaks down after three minutes — Progressives pull the race card out as their last gasp of hope. 

See more at



Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally and the haters.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Price of Allowing Illegal Immigration, part 3,452,398

This time around it is illegally immigrating aliens themselves who are murdered by the drug smugglers and drug gangs who lay claim to the smuggling corridors through which the illegal aliens are smuggled. Let's see, so far the open Mexican border with the US has created a drug gang threat to the Mexican government, killed lots of Americans in their homes, turned Phoenix into the kidnapping capital of the US, dumped tons of Mexican hash and heroin on American streets, killed vacationers in Mexican border cities, killed locals in Mexican border cities, killed police all over Mexico, and now caused a mass murder of 72 illegally immigrating aliens from other central and south american nations to the US. Still think it is harmless?

Oh yeah, and it is responsible for California being ready to go bankrupt. Whatever you think about the money, and it's clear that the left cares most about money since that's always their answer, doesn't anyone on the left think or care about the lives that are lost from this tragic, failed, open border policy?

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MEXICO CITY—Gunmen from a drug cartel appear to have massacred 72 migrants from Central and South America who were on their way to the U.S., a grisly event that marks the single biggest killing in Mexico's war on organized crime.

Agencia Reforma

Mexican marines on Wednesday guard the hospital where the sole survivor of the massacre is being treated.


Mexican marines discovered the 72 bodies—58 men and 14 women —on Tuesday after the lone survivor of the massacre, a wounded migrant from Ecuador, stumbled into a Navy checkpoint the previous day and told of being shot on Monday at a nearby ranch, Mexican officials said on Wednesday.

When the marines went to investigate, they were met with a hail of gunfire from cartel gunmen holed up at the ranch, which sits 90 miles from the U.S. border. One marine and three alleged gunmen died during a two-hour battle, which ended when the gunmen fled in a fleet of SUVs, leaving behind a cache of weapons.

The Ecuadorean migrant told investigators that his captors identified themselves as members of the Zetas drug gang, said Vice Adm. Jose Luis Vergara, a spokesman for the Mexican navy.



The Price of Allowing Illegal Immigration, part 3,452,398

This time around it is illegally immigrating aliens themselves who are murdered by the drug smugglers and drug gangs who lay claim to the smuggling corridors through which the illegal aliens are smuggled. Let's see, so far the open Mexican border with the US has created a drug gang threat to the Mexican government, killed lots of Americans in their homes, turned Phoenix into the kidnapping capital of the US, dumped tons of Mexican hash and heroin on American streets, killed vacationers in Mexican border cities, killed locals in Mexican border cities, killed police all over Mexico, and now caused a mass murder of 72 illegally immigrating aliens from other central and south american nations to the US. Still think it is harmless?

Oh yeah, and it is responsible for California being ready to go bankrupt. Whatever you think about the money, and it's clear that the left cares most about money since that's always their answer, doesn't anyone on the left think or care about the lives that are lost from this tragic, failed, open border policy?

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MEXICO CITY—Gunmen from a drug cartel appear to have massacred 72 migrants from Central and South America who were on their way to the U.S., a grisly event that marks the single biggest killing in Mexico's war on organized crime.

Agencia Reforma

Mexican marines on Wednesday guard the hospital where the sole survivor of the massacre is being treated.


Mexican marines discovered the 72 bodies—58 men and 14 women —on Tuesday after the lone survivor of the massacre, a wounded migrant from Ecuador, stumbled into a Navy checkpoint the previous day and told of being shot on Monday at a nearby ranch, Mexican officials said on Wednesday.

When the marines went to investigate, they were met with a hail of gunfire from cartel gunmen holed up at the ranch, which sits 90 miles from the U.S. border. One marine and three alleged gunmen died during a two-hour battle, which ended when the gunmen fled in a fleet of SUVs, leaving behind a cache of weapons.

The Ecuadorean migrant told investigators that his captors identified themselves as members of the Zetas drug gang, said Vice Adm. Jose Luis Vergara, a spokesman for the Mexican navy.



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Oil, the Bugs, and the Enviros

Read this and laugh at the natural processes of our world and how they expose our petty concerns with the sunshine of the truth.

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Scientists have discovered a hitherto-unknown oil-chomping microbes in the cold, briny depths of the Gulf of Mexico. As a result, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to find free oil out in the Gulf, either on the surface or in a subsurface plume, a little more than a month after the flow from the Macondo well was controlled.

If you’re a bacteria, the BP spill was like Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner all in one. Nom-nom.

Which really shouldn’t come as a surprise to one who knows a thing or two about the natural environment of the Gulf. Given that a million or so barrels seep by natural processes every year into the Gulf, one would expect that specialized organisms would evolve to process it.



Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Only 2% of Republicans had bedbugs, while 12% of Democrats did

Nothing else needs to be said.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Twelve States are trying to invalidate military votes in 2010

This is a civil rights issue you won't read about in the newspaper. American military are being prevented from voting by state bureaucrats who drag their feet while getting ballots to the military, and then throw out the votes when they come back from the other side of the world. These states are denying the American military the right to vote. They are treating the military like second class citizens.

If you live in one of these states, call your representatives. Call your senator. Call your secretary of state and demand that they all do the right thing and get the ballots to the military in time so military votes are counted. No excuses will do.

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the MOVE Act — signed into law in October 2009 — set a mandatory minimum time of 45 days before any federal election to mail ballots to overseas voters. MOVE was a rebuke to the bureaucrats who were stuck on a non-statutory 30-day standard used as a minimum in previous elections.

Blind bureaucratic reliance on the 30-day standard resulted in 17,000 overseas ballots not being counted in the 2008 election. The military postal service says 60 days is needed to get ballots to our troops and back again, but a law is only as good as the people enforcing it.

The new law contains a waiver provision which allows states to exempt out of the requirements by demonstrating an extreme emergency. They also must submit a plan that provides sufficient time for military voters to have their vote counted. For example, if a state had a constitutional provision in conflict with MOVE, and more time was needed to pass a constitutional amendment, a waiver would be appropriate if it included extra time after the election for the vote to be counted, even if late. A waiver is inappropriate if a state simply decides not to comply with MOVE.

Twelve states have applied for waivers from protecting military voters in the 2010 election: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Maryland, Delaware, Wisconsin, Colorado, Washington, Hawaii, Alaska, and the District of Columbia.



Sunday, August 8, 2010

ICE Agents 100% No Confidence Vote in ICE Agency Heads stems from anti Law Enforcement stance of Obama appointees

Sometimes a union does a good thing. In this case, the public employee union for Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agents has lambasted ICE leaders for sabotaging ICE's official goal to enforce the laws passed by congress. I expect to see this union thrown under the bus and SEIU or another union that is little more than a lapdog to the Obama regime proposed as its replacement.

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ICE agents through their union claim their leaders have little regard for the safety of American people. Their union has released a letter announcing its recent unanimous “vote of no confidence” in ICE agency heads, accusing them of “misleading the American public” regarding illegal immigration in order to further a pro-amnesty agenda.

The National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council and its affiliated local councils cast a unanimous 259-0 vote of no confidence in ICE Director John Morton and Assistant Director Phyllis Coven, according to Fox News Channel's Martha MacCallum. 

The National Council members criticized the ICE leadership and claim they created "misguided and reckless initiatives,” and claim ICE managers “abandoned the Agency’s core mission of enforcing United States immigration laws and providing for public safety, and have instead directed their attention to campaigning for policies and programs related to amnesty.”



Saturday, August 7, 2010

Conservative Black Leaders school reporters on racism

This speaks for itself. Watch the whole thing.

Best line from Kevin Johnson of the Black Sphere, "If there is no spit, you must acquit!"


The Queen said, "Let them eat sugar free cake"

Queen Obama went to Spain to visit the King and Queen of Spain. While she was there she ate tapas and all sorts of pricey delicacies. She shopped in exclusive shops. She stayed in a $2500 per night hotel suite with a daughter. She brought 40 of her closest friends along, and 70 secret service agents, and flew on Air Force Two burning US taxpayer gas. In the meantime, she tells Americans to tighten their belts because they are too fat and need to lose weight. Their children are obese and don't eat enough vegetables. They are just too obsessed with money and jobs and doing well, and need to refocus on important things like organic gardening and renewable energy. And in the meantime, if they are hungry because they can't afford a Big Mac any longer, let them eat sugar free cake instead.

Isn't that right, your worship?

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Michelle Obama today faced a fresh wave of attacks over her lavish break in Spain with 40 friends, which could easily cost U.S. taxpayers a staggering £50,000 a day.

The First Lady has been lambasted for her extravagance at a time when the economy is still struggling. One blogger went so far as to brand her a modern-day Marie Antoinette.

And her critics will be further annoyed when they learn that the president's wife had a Spanish beach closed off today so that she, her daughter and their entourage could go for a swim.

Spanish police cleared off a stretch of beach at the Villa Padierna Hotel in Marbella after the Obamas had finished a busy day of

Michelle Obama

Cordoned off: Police officers keep onlookers away today from the site where U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama and daughter Sasha are staying at the Beach Club of Villa Padierna Hotel in Marbella

Police used palm trees and police tape to
mark off the boundaries of a 100-yard expanse for the American
delegation. On either side, onlookers gawked - and police occasionally stopped and searched sun lovers if they strayed too close to the private party.



Friday, August 6, 2010

Michelle Obama's five-day Spanish holiday - picked up by the American taxpayer - could easily top £250,000 (that's £50,000 a day)

You're welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Obama. Every dime spent keeping you two away from Washington DC where you cook up more bad ideas to help keep the boot on the neck of America is a dime well spent. Why not take a trip around the world in a balloon with Barack and the girls next, followed by a sled dog trip to the north pole bringing Reid and Pelosi and the whole lame duck Democrat caucus with you for that one?


King Obama, the video

Catch Victoria Jackson's newest gig.


Ann Coulter to Headline HOMOCON 2010 in NYC

Heads to start exploding in 3... 2... 1...


Distorting the Enlightenment

The meanings of words matter. Sometimes the accretions of years of misunderstandings and deliberate distortions need to be discarded, with extreme prejudice even.

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While the Enlightenment, ‘one of the most important shifts in the history of man’ as one recent account put it, has certainly had its detractors, who blame it for anything from the Holocaust to soulless consumerism, it now also has a veritable army of self-styled heirs. Militant secularists, New Atheists, advocates of evidence-based policy, human rights champions… each constituency in their turn will draw justification from the intellectual emanations of that period beginning roughly towards the end of the seventeenth century and culminating – some say ending – in the 1789 French Revolution and its aftermath. And each in their turn will betray it.

It is not deliberate treachery. This is no reactionary dissimulation – it is more impulsive than that. Still, in the hands of the neo-Enlightened, from the zealously anti-religious to the zealously pro-science, something strange has happened. Principles that were central – albeit contested – to the Enlightenment have been reversed, turned in on themselves. Secularism, as we have seen recently in the French government’s decision to ban the burqa, has been transformed from state toleration of religious beliefs into their selective persecution; scientific knowledge, having been emancipated from theology, has now become the politician’s article of faith; even freedom itself, that integral Enlightenment impulse, has been reconceived as the enemy of the people. As the Enlightened critics of Enlightenment naivete would have it, in the symbolic shapes of our ever distending guts and CO2-belching cars, we may be a little too free.



Mention Pam Gorman to everyone you know in Arizona #tcot


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Freedom is the Goal defined in the Declaration of Independence. Limited Government is the Way defined in the Constitution.


It’s Pamela Gorman's Got Brass Balls Day!

Acknowledge the awesome that is Pamela Gorman.


I Want Your Money - Movie Trailers - iTunes

Whose money is the all-Democrat all the time US government spending? Yours. Your children's. Your grandchildren's. And on, and on, and on, without end.


Material girl Michelle Obama is a modern-day Marie Antoinette on a glitzy Spanish vacation

Let them eat sugar-free, she said


New York Times admits Breitbart told truth and Times told lies

Now it's time for the rest of the media that spread the slanderous racist narrative about the TEA Parties to admit they were lying too, in order to help Democrats distract America from the terrible Democrat record on the economy, the wars, and everything else in what looks like a monumental election year.

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Buried at the bottom of a story published the other day, the New York Times printed a curious little correction:

The Political Times column last Sunday, about a generational divide over racial attitudes, erroneously linked one example of a racially charged statement to the Tea Party movement. While Tea Party supporters have been connected to a number of such statements, there is no evidence that epithets reportedly directed in March at Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia, outside the Capitol, came from Tea Party members.

NY Times

Let’s go over that again:

  • The Times is admitting that there is absolutely no evidence that any epithets were shouted at the Congressman by any member of the Tea Party.

  • This correction demonstrates we have finally proven our point to the nation’s most eminent and influential liberal media organ: that Rep. Andre Carson lied when he told the AP that members of the Tea Party hurled the “N-word” 15 times during the March 20 health-care rally that took place at the U.S. Capitol.

That’s great, as far as it goes – a thorough vindication of the Tea Party — but it doesn’t go far enough.

  • It’s not enough for the Times to make a correction having let that calumny sit out there unrebuked for weeks and months and then, way after the fact, issue a correction.

  • It’s not enough because the Times continues to imply that something racially charged might happened on the steps of the Capitol, when we have shown conclusively, via multiple videos of the moment in question, that nothing of the sort occurred.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Attack on Electoral College Leads to Vote Fraud

Some states have more vote fraud than others. It's clear that some, for instance Illinois, Missouri, Washington, Nevada and New York, have tons and tons of it while others don't have so much. Eliminating the electoral college, as some in Massachusetts advocate, would allow vote fraud in one state to negate and overbalance legitimate voting in other states. It's bad enough when vote fraud in one state negates legitimate votes in that state, but when unlimited vote fraud in one state negates legitimate votes in multiple other states that makes things even worse. By removing the barriers between states and their votes, it renders illegitimate the entire national vote when a single state's vote has been corrupted by collusion between political party and state government.


Doctors for Patient Care favor repeal of Obamacare

Listen to what some real doctors say about what needs to be done.

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Docs 4 Patient Care is a group of doctors who are fighting fiercely to repeal Obamacare, or the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). For months now, they have been quietly waging war against socialized medicine without much help or recognition. However, on July 27th, Dr. Mark Neerhof (a member of Doctors 4 Patient Care) sparred with Dr. Arnold Widen (a doctor in favor of Obamacare) in a no holds barred debate on a Chicago radio station that was moderated by Milton Rosenberg.

Dr. Neerhof comes out swinging in the beginning of the debate by pounding the other side with a plethora of facts. Specifically, Dr. Neerhof uses Massachusetts as a template for the perils of socialized medicine, since government run health care in MA is now proving to be a disastrous idea.

Neerhof begins by pointing out the following facts–

*Obamacare is destructive to the overall quality of health care.

*MA now has the highest health insurance premiums in the country.

*MA now has the longest wait times to see a doctor (in Boston it is now 70 days to see an OBGYN, whereas it used to be 40 days).

*MA has experienced an enormous increase in volume in the ER since they’ve instituted government run health care.

*Eighteen out of thirty-four million Americans that the PPACA now covers will simply be placed on Medicaid, which will drown the states in debt. (IL is already almost bankrupt.)

*Obamacare is destined to fail. Three quarters of insurers in MA are, now, going bankrupt and are begging to increase their rates–it is the only way that they can afford to cover people with pre-existing conditions that didn’t buy insurance ahead of time.

Then, in closing out his argument, Dr. Neerhof agrees that health care reform is necessary, but states that it is a lie that 45 million Americans are now uninsured. Dr. Neerhof points out that 37% of those uninsured make over $50,000 a year and could easily afford to buy health insurance if they wanted it. Furthermore, Neerhof explains that 20% of those 45 million are illegal immigrants, and 33% are eligible for some kind of government programs (like SCHIPS or Medicaid). In other words, there are only between 10-15 million Americans that are uninsured and truly can’t afford to buy health insurance. (Later in the debate, Dr. Neerhof suggests using high risk pools subsidized by the government to deal with these truly needy Americans.)



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